Trained babysitters are available always upon request. Babysitting is organised and allocated by the childcare manager in resort, endeavoring to place the same person with one family throughout their stay to maintain consistency. Evening babysitting is also available and organised by the childcare manager and can be pre-booked. Babysitting bookings can take place whilst in resort also, with the childcare manager or Concierge Desk.
The ratio for babysitting is 1 childcarer / 3 children and the cost is €20 per hour.
To book babysitting please visit the following link to the booking page:
Please note that if a cancelation occurs in less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled babysitting session, there will be a cancelation fee equal to 50% of the total amount.
Consequently, in case of cancelling a babysitting booking, we strongly advise to contact the childcare manager 24 hours prior to the scheduled babysitting session.
To contact the childcare manager please email littleguests@avraimperialhotel.gr